
When suffering begats suffering, reconciliation brings healing to all


Toxic work cultures can be healed. Accelerated Psychotherapy can help turn things around after accusations of workplace abuse, intimidation, sexual harassment, and bullying.

The goal of Accelerated Psychotherapy is to heal the toxic work culture and to make everyone whole. That includes the victims, the other workers, the company, and even the person accused. The process of reconciliation is voluntary.

Victims are not whole as long as they feel either afraid or angry of the accused. The process of reconciliation brings the victims and others who were hurt by what happened to a place of feeling neutral about the accused. From there they can reconcile.

The usual system based on establishing guilt and meting out punishment is terrifically distressing for victims. The punishment of the accused does not bring satisfaction to the victims. We need a better way than a drawn-out legal process. Reconciliation is a proven way to bring peace and satisfaction to former adversaries.

Reconciliation is a process that humanizes everyone involved. All sides get to tell their stories; about what happened to them and how they have been changed by what happened. This includes the person who has been accused.

The accused must have completed Accelerated Psychotherapy and have the approval of the therapist to engage in the reconciliation process.